Tompkins County is a regional employment center for workers from surrounding communities, and has one of the best entrepreneurial ecosystems in upstate New York. A highly skilled workforce is available to local businesses, with the three area colleges and universities providing a strong recruiting pool. The One Stop Career Center provides a variety of assistance for all levels of job seekers and employers, as well as assessment and training for adults seeking to upgrade their skills.
The economic engine of the community is higher education. In addition, the healthcare sector is growing, and we retain a relatively healthy manufacturing sector, with newer growth generated by technology-oriented companies. Key products and services include automotive, micro and nanotechnologies, biotechnology, publishing, printing and electronics. Conventional and start-up financial support spurs enterprise development with customers located all over the globe. Many of the new firms commercialize research conducted at Cornell University, and innovation permeates the economy as indicated by a rebirth of local agriculture and film studios, expanded health options, and many other creative ventures.
Our community also has a vibrant and growing tourism economy, thanks to our rich landscape of craft beverage and agricultural producers, plethora of restaurants, and outdoor recreation opportunities that are second to none. The Ithaca/Tompkins County Convention & Visitors Bureau, or CVB, is a division of the Tompkins Chamber which supports this sector through developing group and conference sales business, marketing under the brand Visit Ithaca, and on-site visitor experience services.
There are a number of agencies ready to help a business find a location, expand, start-up, or stay the course. These include the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, Ithaca Area Economic Development (IAED), the Downtown Ithaca Alliance, and the City’s economic development department. Other organizations provide specialty business development support such as the Cayuga Venture Fund and Business CENTS at Alternatives Federal Credit Union.
Learn more about these and many other resources below. Don’t hesitate to contact the Tompkins Chamber for guidance about which resource might be best for your business.

Ithaca Area Economic Development (IAED)
Ithaca Area Economic Development (IAED) is Tompkins County’s private, not for profit economic development agency. They strive to create a supportive environment for entrepreneurship and business development, where companies can start, stay and grow here. IAEDprovides access to a variety of revolving loan funds to finance your business expansion, as well as technical assistance for accessing funding through New York State’s Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process. They also administer the Tompkins County IDA. Their vision is a thriving and prosperous economy with exciting and innovative firms that inspire and attract a talented workforce. Learn more here.
Downtown Ithaca Alliance
The Downtown Ithaca Alliance has played an integral role in envisioning a thriving and attractive community for Tompkins County’s residents and businesses, with Ithaca’s downtown core as the heart of that community. Their efforts to create community, host events, seek funding, advocate for projects, and generally to support business growth and expansion have been so integral to creating the community Ithaca has become, and to envisioning a future that includes you. Learn more.
City of Ithaca
The City of Ithaca is committed to preserving and expanding existing businesses, and recruiting and incorporating new businesses into the city’s economy. Economic development is accomplished through the Planning and Economic Development Division and the Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA). The Economic Development Office is a part of the Planning and Economic Development Division. Visit the City of Ithaca’s website to learn more about the resources and support you can find through the City’s Planning & Economic Development Office. Click here for more information about City loan programs, permitting and approval processes, and more.
Rev: Ithaca Startup Works
Rev: Ithaca Startup Works helps startups of any type scale and thrive. In addition to hosting a co-working environment and prototyping lab in downtown Ithaca, Rev offers to one-on-one mentorship, business planning assistance, networking opportunities, and help identifying funding sources to grow your business. Rev can jump start the next phase of your growth or support your relocation to our area.
Financing & Growth Capital
Numerous local financial institutions, credit unions, and even venture fund partners regularly support entrepreneurs, high growth startups, business expansions, and real estate development projects—right here in our community. Some local, regional, and state economic development programs also have loan funds available to support business growth and expansion—and many lending partners work with the New York Business Development Corporation or the Small Business Administration. Click any of the partners below to learn more about their offerings to suit your business plans.
Local Banks
Loan Programs
Ithaca and Tompkins County offer local incentives to support business growth and expansion for projects creating quality jobs or adding significant taxable real property value. Most of these incentives are offered through the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency or through the City of Ithaca’s Community Investment Incentive Tax Abatement Program (CIITAP), but the Town of Lansing and Village of Groton also have programs available for some developments.
Education & Mentorship
Ithaca and Tompkins County offer a supportive environment for entrepreneurs, startups, those looking to expand their business or scale to larger markets, or even for those focused on retirement/succession planning. The partners included below have a lot to offer, and we encourage you to explore their resource pages to understand which resource is right for you. Feel free to call the Tompkins Chamber with any questions regarding navigating our local resources to support your business needs!
Nothing substitutes “word of mouth” and good old-fashioned networking when it comes to sharing with others your business’s unique attributes—or orienting you to our rich community as you are working to plan, grow, expand, and locate your customer base. There are many organizations offering events each month which can help connect you to the business community and the resources you need to succeed.
Some resources to support you in your search for just the right commercial space or office are included below.
Commercial Real Estate
City of Ithaca
Municipal Contacts
Just as there are local organizations working to support your business in its development and relocation goals, there are also local officials you should consider reaching out to as you work to establish and grow your business in one of our many communities.