President’s Letter: Economic Summit Recap

Apr 4, 2017 | News

Jerry-Dietz headshot

Jerry Dietz, Chairman of the Board

The Chamber Works for You, and Economic Progress

By Jerry Dietz, Chairman of the Board

The following is an excerpt from the Board Chairman Jerry Dietz’s remarks at the annual Economic Summit, held on Thursday, March 30th at the Country Club.

People think about the Chamber of Commerce in a lot of different ways – it’s because we do a lot of different things.  We’re in the business of helping our business members, yes—but also our entire community.

We INFORM, We EDUCATE, We ADVOCATE, and We CELEBRATE business in Tompkins County.

If you’ve attended a Business After Hours or a Networking at Noon event, a Government Affairs meeting or a CEO Roundtable…you’ve seen the Chamber at work.

 If you use the Tompkins Regional Airport, avail yourself of our On-the-Job Training Grant Program, or attended last year’s Housing Summit…you’ve seen the Chamber at work.


 If you’ve sought out information about tourism in our area, or been to one of our Visitor Centers…you’ve seen the Chamber at work.

 If you’ve been to a Movie in the Park, or run in the Gorges Ithaca Half Marathon…you’ve seen the Chamber at work.

 And this Economic Summit is no different.

 The Economic Summit is an annual event that started back in 2003 and is held in conjunction with Tompkins County Area Development (TCAD).  For 15 years, this event is like our annual checkup with the doctor.  Business, government and organizational leaders meet to get the pulse and take the temperature of what’s happening in our business community.

 I thank you all for recognizing the value of being here today, supporting the Chamber and TCAD, and for all you do individually and collectively to make Tompkins County the great place it is to do business.

 To read more about the Economic Summit, click here.