Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital has been awarded a grant from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Veterinary Safety Net Fund. The funds will make it possible for Briar Patch to help pet owners when veterinary care is beyond their means, rather than relinquishing the pet to the shelter or having it euthanized. When a family cannot afford even the most basic level of care there is a hope that the practice will either waive the charges or extend credit for their pet’s treatment. Not unlike most small animal hospitals, Briar Patch has very limited ability to do either and is left with the dilemma of denying treatment to a sick patient. This option is contrary to the mission of the practice, to provide exceptional veterinary care, client service and education. The goal at Briar Patch is to enable all pet owners and pets served by the practice to live long, healthy lives together. Eligible pets are those with treatable illnesses or injuries for whom an expectation of maintaining a good quality of life is a realistic outcome. The funds are not restricted to existing Briar Patch clients. When appropriate, the Tompkins County SPCA is referring individuals to Briar Patch who may be helped by this program. Pet ownership is a proven benefit for human health. The Veterinary Safety Net Fund presents a win-win for some of the direst cases.