May 1, 2020 | Video

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has arrived in Tompkins County and many businesses are asking critical questions. Questions like: How can we keep our workplaces safe and clean? How can we accommodate changes in employee needs, like having to work remotely? And how might this impact my business and our economy? What can I do to keep my business running?

With strong commitments to community partnership and public impact, the Tompkins Chamber and Cornell University are collaborating to help you answer questions, and carry on with your business throughout this epidemic. Join community and business leaders for a webinar series, hosted by Cornell faculty from the Law School and the SC Johnson College of Business, offering best practices and answering questions on health, safety and business considerations, and the economy as a whole.

Our final webinar of this series was on Friday, April 24 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm with a focus on Bankruptcy Considerations for Businesses During COVID-19. The Zoom webinar hosted by Celia Bigoness, Associate Clinical Professor at Cornell Law School, and four Cornell Law School students who have been providing pro bono legal assistance to small businesses in Tompkins County: Matt Farnum, Nicole Gould, Linda Oh and Kasaundra Riley.

The webinar provided an overview of options and strategies for businesses that may be considering filing for bankruptcy protection as a result of the COVID-19 economic crisis. The program will distinguish among the different types of bankruptcy protection available for businesses, the implications of each one, and the process of filing for bankruptcy protection. The program had also provided practical guidance for steps businesses can take to protect themselves before making any bankruptcy filing.

Please feel free to visit the Chamber’s COVID-19 Business Resources page where you will find up to date information and tools to help you, your business/organization, and your employees. Additional information can also be found on the new Cornell CALS COVID-19 site where they are maintaining a FAQs page that is monitored and updated constantly.