Apr 29, 2014 | News


Bryan Bates, Producer/COO, leads a discussion at AWP.

Website: awpny.com Phone #: (607) 277-2757

Member since: 2004 Location: Ithaca

Business profile

AWP works closely with our clients to create holistic brands that push boundaries. We can be found in our West End office developing innovative brand strategies, meticulously refining logo concepts, reimagining user experience, producing interactive multimedia content, and creating dynamic web and mobile development solutions.

What value do you see in having your business in Tompkins County?

Tompkins County is one of the most beautiful counties in New York State. Thanks to the colleges and university, there’s also a large pool of skilled and talented people in the area – which is great as an employer.

How has the Chamber supported your success as a business?

We love Ithaca. And we do all we can to support the local community and economy. We are a living wage certfied employer and offer discounts to local small businesses and not-for-profits. We recruit interns and employees from Ithaca College and Cornell, working hard to maintain a company culture and environment that encourages our team to set down roots and keep talent in the area.

We love Ithaca. And we do all we can to support the local community and economy.

Being a Chamber member not only reinforces our commitment to supporting the local economy, but it accelerates it through the marketing and networking opportunities available to Chamber members.

What’s your favorite moment from a Chamber Event?

We hosted the Business After Hours in May 2014, and had an amazing opportunity to talk to some non-profit Chamber members about our summer internship program. Our intern team works with one non-profit every year to strengthen their brand and communications, and we nearly doubled our applicant pool during the networking event!

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902 Taber St. / Suite 1
Ithaca, NY 14850
