Apr 29, 2014 | News

About the Initiative

The Cayuga Waterfront Trail Initiative (CWTI) is a partnership of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the City of Ithaca.

The Cayuga Waterfront Trail will be a six-mile, multi-use trail providing an active, non-motorized transportation and recreation way CWT LOGOconnecting our community’s most popular waterfront destinations. The Waterfront Trail will help Ithaca develop a sustainable transportation system, enhance our quality of life and contribute to the revitalization of our community’s waterfront. It is our goal to build one of the best trails in upstate New York.

Currently, our two-mile Cass Park loop and a 1.7-mile connector between Stewart Park and the Farmers Market are complete.

Click here to learn more about the Cayuga Waterfront Trail

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