Investing in Our Community, Workforce & Quality of Life

The Tompkins Chamber Foundation was organized as a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization in 1987. The organization creates support for the community through various efforts in order to promote the quality of life in Tompkins County. View current and past projects and initiatives of the Chamber Foundation below.



To promote and sponsor projects which positively impact quality of life, community health, economic successes, the recruitment and retention of a talented and adequate workforce and yield long-term benefits for the residents of Tompkins County.


A vibrant, active, supportive, and diverse community of entrepreneurs, residents, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.

Foundation Trustees

Aly Evans – Chair
Foodnet Meals on Wheels

Kelli Cartmill
Canopy by Hilton Downtown Ithaca

Greg Conard
The Hotel Ithaca

Michael May
Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP

Timothy Downs
Ithaca College

Melody Shutts
Davidson Fox, CPA

Rachel Hogancamp
Rasa Spa

Amy Iles
Sciarabba Walker, LLP

Suzanne Smith Jablonski
Downtown Ithaca Local Development Corporation

Dan Governanti
George Ferrari

Donate to the Foundation

Give to the Member Support Fund, providing Scholarships for dues or program fees.

Key Staff Contacts

Peggy Coleman
Ithaca Pride Alliance

Carly Hansen
Foundation Operations

Aleshia Akers
Live in Ithaca Initiative
Tompkins Connect



Current Projects & Initiatives

Live in Ithaca

An initiative to foster workforce recruitment, retention, and candidate relocation support for employers and their teams. Custom relocation support and industry focused marketing to attract potential residents and recent transplants. Email Gina Cesari to learn more.

Ithaca Pride Alliance

The Ithaca Pride Alliance exists to create new and uplift existing safe, inclusive, accommodating, educational, and accessible spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. The Tompkins Chamber Foundation provides fiscal and administrative support to the IPA.

Downtown Ithaca Conference Center

A locally led initiative to establish a 55,000 square foot conference center in Downtown Ithaca. The Chamber Foundation has been engaged in this initiative since inception and helped attract $5 million in New York State capital funding to the project.

Today, the Chamber Foundation supports the project as fiscal sponsor conduit for downtown Hotel Group project investments.

Tompkins Connect Young Professionals Group

The Tompkins Chamber Foundation provides fiscal and administrative support to Tompkins Connect, our local young professionals networking group. The Tompkins Chamber provides marketing, coordination, and recruitment support

Collegetown Small Business Alliance

The Chamber Foundation supports the Collegetown Small Business Alliance as fiscal sponsor of projects to improve the collegetown streetscape and business environment. Past efforts include the Collegetown banner program, in part with Tompkins County Tourism Program Beautification funds. Other key partners include the City of Ithaca and Cornell University.

Leadership Tompkins

A community leadership development program – the result of a partnership between the Tompkins Chamber Foundation and Tompkins Cortland Community College for over thirty years. Leadership Tompkins typically runs an annual program ten month program that focuses on helping participants grow their leadership skills while gaining a deep understanding of the issues, challenges, and opportunities impacting residents, municipalities, the economy, and human service organizations.

Tompkins County Wayfinding

The Tompkins Chamber and Tompkins Chamber Foundation have long been champions of the Tompkins County Wayfinding & Interpretive Signage Initiative.

Previous Chamber Foundation Projects

Tompkins County Microenterprise Assistance Program

In partnership with Tompkins County, the Chamber Foundation supported microenterprise startup and expansion throughout Tompkins County with education, technical assistance, resources, and grant funding. The Foundation attracted $300,000 to Tompkins County for this program, which was expended from 2021 through 2023 in the form of reimbursements to eligible businesses.

The Cayuga Waterfront Trail

The Cayuga Waterfront Trail wraps from Stewart Park to Treman Marina, passing popular destinations to create an easy waterfront tour. Whether you walk one mile or roll over all eight miles of wide paved path, the ADA compliant Trail provides a safe and comfortable way to experience all Ithaca’s waterfront has to offer.

Friends of Stewart Park

Friends of Stewart Park helps to enhance, revitalize, and maintain Stewart Park and the Cayuga Waterfront Trail.

Air Service Revenue Guarantees

The Tompkins Chamber, along with our partner Ithaca Area Economic Development, has led prior efforts to offer business/local community air service revenue guarantees for airlines, to attract and retain viable air service between our community and key destinations. Air service is a key aspect of our economic development transportation infrastructure, and requires numerous partners to manage successfully.

Organizations We’ve Supported as Fiscal Sponsor:

Ithaca Carshare

Sustainable Tompkins

Book Trail

Ithaca Sports Council